The Unveiling of the Curio

The pediatric version of our powered mobility device has been long awaited by many. At last, after many hours of hard work, the design is finalized. With the help of round the clock 3D printing technologies, our team has been able to manufacture many of the pieces for our very first prototype on site. Thanks to the speed of this technology, we were able to unveil the first prototype at the Ontario Society of Occupational Therapist’s workshop “Fun on Wheels: The Effects of Seating and Mobility Interventions on Early Movement, Play and Reflex Activity in the Pediatric Population”! To read more about this event, click here. The prototype is currently undergoing in-house testing before it is ready to enter production stages.

This device will be the first among its kind to offer such a diverse range of mobility to children and youth. With functions almost parallel to the Xceed, the Curio is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of pediatric mobility. Its playful and innovative design will lead the way and allow children and youth the autonomy to claim their own place in the world, increasing their confidence and sense of self-worth.

Come see us at our next event to experience our innovative devices firsthand, or contact us with any questions!

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